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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Last day of class.

Today we had our final day of class. It as very sad and we didnt really do anything.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Taking the final test on the decline of Rome.

     Today we finally took the test on the Decline of Rome after several days of review. This was a special test as it was the last test of the year before exams. The test had 20 questions on it and one extra credit. They were all multiple choice and really easy since we did so much reviewing on it the past few days. After the test was done we could just walk around and talk amongst ourselves since class was technically over. Tomorrow we review for exams and are allowed to bring in food. b

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Making up questions for the test.

     Today we did our final preparations for the test on Rome's decline and fall. We did this by making up the questions for the test. We all thought of the last few questions to finish off the test. We came up with the questions and we were called on to tell them. Some of them were already on the test so we couldn't use those. We came up with questions on everything from the barbarians to why the Roman economy was messed up. We will test on this all tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Doing the worksheet in class today.

     Today in class we filled out a worksheet as a review for the packet we just did. It went over things like problems with Rome's economy, differences between the east and west empire, why the military couldn't hold off barbarians and other stuff about the empire ending. We filled that out and then we all reviewed it. We did it by answering it when we were called on. After that Mr.Schick told us what the exam scoring would be and then we will review tomorrow for a quiz.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Taking more notes on the decline of the Roman Empire in class.

     Today in class we finally finished up taking notes on the decline of the Roman Empire. We found out about the emperor Diocletian and what he attempted to fix the empire. For one he doubled the size of the army to defend the borders. He also stopped inflation by freezing prices. He ordered a general prosecution of Christians. He also divided the Empire in half. He also increased the glory of Emperor. These didn't work as expected but did stop the decline somewhat. Then came Constantine who was a big factor in the rise of Christianity. He made Christianity legal after God supposively won him a battle. Finally the Barbarians took over the empire and the west fell but the east empire, Byzanitian empire, flourished.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Taking some notes on the handout.

     Today in class we took notes on the handout Mr.Schick gave us on the decline of Rome. We underlined important ideas and subjects and then we discussed somethings. We found out how Rome fell partly because their trade collapsed because it was disrupted by thiefs. We then compared Rome's fall to America today. Some people believe that America is following the same path down Rome did. We compared their crumbling economy to how we get all our stuff overseas. We will continue on the paper tomorrow and finish up taking notes on it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reviewing the test in class today.

      Today in class we turned in our Rome Papers. We read out the titles and then moved on. Mr.Schick gave us a "pep talk" about doing better in school and how we should pay attention more and not play games. We still have time to pull off better grades in school and do better. It was very inspiring.  After that we reviewed the test on Rome and wrote down the answers. Mr. Schick finally gave us homework to do on Rome and then class was over.

Handout Answers

Inflation- This is when the value of the dollar, coin, whatever form of money you have falls. This happens because it is made worse, less precious metals, less precious metals to back it up. Goods then need more of this one thing to be bought because of the lower value.
Commodus- Marcus Aurelius's son and the emperor many believe started the decline of the Roman Empire. He was vain, cruel, and irresponsible.
Diocletian- The leader who tried to stop the decline of the Roman Empire. He did this by economic, military, religious, and political changes. He stopped the decline somewhat but didn't bring the empire back to its former glory.
Constantine- The leader who made Christianity legal in Rome. He did this after believeing God won a battle for him. He also moved the Capital from Rome to Byzantine.
Eastern Empire- The Eastern empire was the eastern half of the divided Roman Empire. It was the richer half and was more powerful. It was also known as the Byzantine Empire.
Western Empire- The weaker and poorer of the two empires. It was weak and tooken over by the barbarians. This was also known as the Rome Empire.
Battle of the Milvian Bridge- The battle that Constantine won that proved to him God was most powerful. He won this after seeing a sign of God and painting crosses on his shields. He made being Christian legal following this.
Edict of Milan- The edict or urgent order that made Christianity legal. Put out by the leader Constantine.
Constantinople- The new Capital of the West Empire. Named after the great leader of Constantine. This city used to be Byzantine.
Germanic Peoples- the Barbarian tribes who overran Europe and eventually overran Rome. They spoke Germanic languages and were Ostrogoths, visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Burgundians, Lombards, and Vandals.
Huns- The Nomadic people from Asia. They were the scariest group, so scary that even the Germanic people feared them. They chased down Germanic people and began the fall of the West Empire.
Attila- The hun leader who was terriying. He sacked many cities, over 70 in the east, and threatened to take over the whole Empire with 100,000 men.
Leo I- The first true poweful Pope. He walked up to the Hun camp and made Attila stop the attack on Rome Somehow.
Romulus Augustus- The last leader of Rome, named to remember the beginning of Rome. He was 14 and fell quickly giving way to the barbarian rule.
Odoacer- The barbarian emperor who knocked Romulus from the throne and took over. The official end of the Roman Empire.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reviewing each others essays in class today.

     For class today we had a big peer review session. Everyone looked at each others papers and made suggestions and did some constructive criticism. I looked over Mark's, Elena's, Colleen's , and Amir's papers. I made some spelling changes, grammar changes, and some other changes that deal with the idea of the paper. I had Amir look over my paper. He saw some things I needed to change. For one I need to add a title. I also need to change my heading from right to left. This paper is due tomorrow and we must have it printed out in class or we lose 20 points automatically. The paper is on the difference between the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Writing a paper today with a substitute.

     Today we began work on a paper with a substitute in class. We have to write a 500 word paper comparing The Roman Republic and Empire. I finished my rough draft in class and will revise it this weekend. My paper explains each type, some differences, and then my opinion part. We will have to turn in our rough draft tuesday for some peere review.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Taking our test on Roman Empire today and weekend assignment.

     Today we finally took our test on The Roman Empire. It was fairly easy and consisted of all multiple choice and one extra credit question. In all it had 26 questions. it covered all the Emperors, a bit of Jesus, and it also covered paul. We then were assigned our weekend homework. By Tuesday, we must write a 500 word essay on the differences between Roman Republic and Empire. On tuesday we will have peer review and just look over it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Final review for the test on the Roman Empire, and the tornado evacuation thing.

     Today we did the last review for the test on the Roman Empire. We learned a lot about the persecutions of Christians in class today. They were persecuted for just being Christians. When they were caught they were usually thrown into the colosuem to fight the lions or other animals. This was a form of entertainment for people so they continued it. Since this happened people practiced Christianity in private away from the government. They also were considered a cult because at this time Christianity was a small upstart religion. Later it got bigger, big enough to account for 10 percent of Rome. It got big later after a famous battle. We will take the test on the Roman Empire tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reviewing the Emperors of Rome in class.

     Today we did a review of all the emperors of Rome in class. We learned more about Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. We also learned about Jesus and Paul.  We learned Tiberius is a stepson and adopted son of Octavian. He was a great general but was a dark reclusive emperor. He disliked the senate and compared them to slaves. He also killed Germanicus. He later died in 37 AD. Caligula took over and was Tiberius's adopted grandson. He was crazy but started off good, granting bonuses to the military. He also called of treason trials. He was sick though and slept with other wives, indulged in himself and sex to much, and even tried to make his horse conusl. He was assassinated by His Aides. Finally Claudius was a disabled person, possibly with Cerebal Palsy. He built roads and conquered Britain and he renovated the Circus Maxius. He also had a bad marriage with Messalina and eventually killed her and her other lover. Jesus was the starter of Christianity of course and spread word of a good kingdom to the poor. He was killed though. Paul was a messanger who spread news abotu Jesus. We will continue tomorrow.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Emperors of Rome.

      In this class we learned about Roman Emperors. We learned about Tiberias who was a bad ruler. He had Coligulas two older brothers killed and killed other political rivals. He got sick of Rome and went away to a little island to hide away. He had weird things he liked, most related to sex. He was pretty much a sick person. Once his ruled ended he handed the empire over to Caligula. He was a bipolar ruler who made bad decisions and even killed a priest. He also stopped in the middle of a war to pick up seashells. He was a Jew hater and discriminated them. He even built a statue of himself in a Jewish church. Finally Claudius was a not very graceful person who many people made fun of. Eventually he became emperor. He was nice to citizens and even conquered Britain. His weak spot was his wife though and she cheated on him with other men. We will review on tuesday.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Missing class.

I missed class today due to a track meet. It was at Calvert Hall and was the championship meet.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reviewing our tests in class today.

     Today in class we reviewed two of our previous tests on both Rome and Greece. On the Roman test I got a 93 and on the Greece test I got a 77. We went over all the answers on the tests so that we could have a study tool for exams. The Greece test was multiple choice and an essay. I got a 77 on the multiple choice and a 100 percent on the essay. The Rome quiz was all multiple choice with a word bank. We still will do the Roman Empire, Medieval times, and one more thing before exams. We will start the Roman Empire tomorrow.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Testing on Rome in class today.

Today we finally took a test on Rome. It comprised of all that we had learned so far from the Latins, Etruscans, and Greeks all the way to The Second Triumvirate. It covered famous people, government, and events. People like Julius Ceaser crossing the Rubicon, The two Triumvirates, and the Roman Republic. I got one wrong on it and it was about Pompey. I mixed two answers up and got a 93. The test was fairly easy and was a vocab term and question quiz. It was on scantron. I got a 93 percent on the test or a 28/30

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Presenting our project in class today.

      Today in class we began to present our projects about Rome. First Mr. Schick presented the first two paragraphs. We learned that the Latins, Etruscans and Greeks were the first people to settle in Italy. We learned that Rome settled on the Tiber river. Tarquin the proud was the last king of Rome who was run out by the people of Rome. We learned how the Roman government was made up of three parts, the consul, assembly, and senate. We learned how plebians were normal people and patricians were rich. Julius Ceaser was a great leader of Rome who got whacked by his fellow senators. Hannibal was the leader from Carthage who crossed the Alps to attack Rome from behind. The Latifundia was when the rich people bought out the poor people's farms and made them move to the city and they got poorer and the rich got richer. We also learned how there were a few Triumvirates. We will continue in class tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Working on our Project today with a substitute.

      Today we worked on our projects about Rome. My partner for this project is Amir and we had to make a powerpoint on one of the paragraphs from his rap about Rome. We are doing ours about Mark, Octavian, and Lepidus. We found out things about the Second Triumvirate and how it began as a way to avenge Julius. We also learned about how it fell from a war between Mark and Octavian. We also found out how Mark divorced Octavian's sister for Cleopatra and how they committed suicide. We finished it up in class today and we will turn it in tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Working on our Project in class today and Quizzing.

     Today we reviewed our second quiz on Rome. We reviewed things like the parts of government which are assembly, senate, and census. These represent democracy, monarchy, and aristocracy. The whole government of Greece is really a republic. We also reviewed about Carthage and the Gauls. Then we had to start working on  a powerpoint about Rome. We had to take a paragraph of Chi-Cago's rap and make a powerpoint about the various things in it. We have to work on this today, tomorrow, and then the next night if we do not finish it. We will continue work on it tomorrow.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chi-Cago rap pictures.

This is the Mediterranean sea where Italy was. 

The Tiber river on which Rome was located. 
This is a Roman legion, a unit Rome fought with. 
This is Carthage one of Rome's main enemies in the Punic Wars. 
This is Julius Caeser one of the dictators of Rome. 
This is Julius Caeser getting killed, one of the most famous events in Roman history. 
These are the Gauls, one of Rome's major enemies before Carthage. 
This is Octavian a powerful, major leader of Rome. He later became Augustus. 
The Roman Gladiators who became part of a major sporting event in Rome. 
Circus Maximus, a place where Romans came to watch horse racing for entertainment. 
This is Cleopatra. Mark Antony, a trusted friend of Octavian, married her. 
This is Lepidus one of Octavians trusted friends. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Reading Section two Questions and Definitions.

  1. Consul- One of Two rulers of Rome. They were like Kings and they hall power over military and government. They could control life and death of citizens in wartime. They could only serve for a year and could not run again for ten years. 
  2. Veto- Something the Consuls to do overrule the other Consul's ruling. In Latin it means I forbid. 
  3. Senate- The Aristocratic branch of Rome's government. It came from the saying that Romulus appointed 100 men to help him rule. You ruled for life on the senate and you could be Plebian or Patrician.
  4. Assembly- The democratic side of the Roman government. It was run by the people which was all the citizens and soldiers. At first they had little power but it increased over the years. 
  5. Dictator- A leader was appointed when Rome was in a time of crisis. They had absolute power to make laws and command the army. Their rule only lasted for six months.
  6. Mercenary-Soldiers hired to fight by a country. They do it as a job not because they want to do it for their country. They weren't as loyal as actual soldiers from a country though. 
  1. Many Plebians were dissatisfied with Roman government because of the little amount of power they had. Back then only the Patricians could rule and the Plebians could not take office. They could vote but that was all. They won more power by not fighting in wars unless they got more power. Since the need for a bigger army was needed Rome needed to conform. They ended enslavement for debt and interclass marriage was allowed. Also they had the twelve tables or they had laws written down for them.  .
  2. Rome thought they had a balanced government because of what the government was made up of. They had part Monarchy with the consuls, aristocratic with the senate made up of the Patricians. They had democracy with the assembly and a dictator that  was somewhat controlled if crisis struck. They figured the combination of all these gave them a good government. 
  3. Rome was sucessful with governing Italy by the freedom they gave. They allowed freedom to all of the places they conquered. There were three levels of freedom or citizenship for the conquered places of Rome. You had full citizenship given to Latin neighbors on the Tiber river. They could marry Romans, vote in assemblies, and go to court. In places a bit farther from Rome you had half citizens who had all the Roman rights except the right to vote. Finally the people left over were allies of Rome. They had to contribute soldiers to Rome and couldn't make peace with other countries. They could govern themselves without Rome's interference though. This freedom made Rome sucesful in governing all of Italy. 
  4. Carthage might have appeared more powerful for a few reasons. For one they had more money and people. They had more people and had a better economy. The city was also bigger. This led people to believe that the Romans would lose the war. Rome won because they had more loyal troops. This was because the Romans had actual soldiers and Carthage had mercenaries. Rome's were more loyal than the hired soldiers and gave them an advantage. 
  5.  The battle of Zama was so important because they could finally defeat Hannibal with their new general Scipio. He drove Hannibal out of Rome by directly attacking Carthage and making him run back to defend Carthage. Hannibal was defeated by Rome at Carthage and the Second Punic war was ended. This is a huge turning point for two reasons. For one it decided the most powerful nation in the world which was now Rome and it ended the second Punic War. 
  6. The Greeks welcomed the Romans at first because they thought they would free them from their enemies. At first they did and helped them out and freed them from Macedon. Then Rome began to interfere with Greek politics and the Greeks got mad. As an example of what would happen to the Greeks if they fought back they destroyed Corinth. They killed or enslaved all its people and knocked down the walls. The city was reduced to nothing and so was its citizens. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Roman reading Section one questions and definitions.


  1. Republic- A political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens have the right to vote for leaders. The word Republic came from the Latin Phrase res publica which means public affairs. 
  2. Gravitas- having weightiness or seriousness. Gravitas was a virtue that contained discipline strength and loyalty. 
  3. Pater Familias- " Father of the family" or the eldest male in the household. He was the leader of the household and had complete power. He controlled all property and could even sell family to slavery or kill them. He usually acted as the protector of the family though. He spoke for families at assemblies and in court. 
  4. Toga- It was an uncomfortable garment the Romans wore. It was cold to wear in winter and hot in the summer. It was clumsy and not practical. It was good because it was very easy to make and no sewing was needed. It was basically a big wool sheet. It could also represent social status by what you wore with it. 
  5. Patrician- a small group of upper class families who dominated Rome. They claimed their ancestors were the fathers of Rome. They claimed that they had the authority to make laws. 
  6. Plebian- The common farmers, artisans, and merchants. They were free citizens with the right to vote. The had far less power than Patricians though. 
  7. Legion - A massive military unit consisting of 4000-6000 men. They had heavily armed infantry and the calvary( soldiers on horses). 
  8. Century- One of the sixty smaller groups that the legion was divided into. This allowed the Roman legion to be more flexible and able to move around more than the Greek Phalanx. The Romans could flank and surround enemies with the Centuries. 
  1. Geography helped Rome in a few ways. For one the Italian peninsula was near the middle of the Mediterranean and divided the sea in half. Rome was the center of Italy and was therefore the center of a peninsula in the middle of a sea. Their position allowed them to easily send out ships and armies in all directions. Rome was also built near a crossing place for the Tibus river and became a key trade place on routes between Northern and Southern Italy. These are some advantages for the Romans. 
  2. The Latins contributed to Rome by being one of the first people to settle there. They settled on both sides of the Tiber River and created Rome. Rome started as a bunch of Latin shepherds living on a hill. They lived very simply though and had little trade. The Greeks advanced Rome more when they came to Italy. They established 50 colonies on the coast of Southern Italy and Sicily. They had good trading cities and brought Italy into contact with Greece. Finally the Etruscans were the most civilized group and came around the same time as the Latins. They had a writing system adapted from the Greek alphabet which the Latins didn't have. Also they had a cultural influence on Rome and many Roman kings were of Etruscan descent.
  3. Early Rome had many values many regrading family. The values were called the ways of our fathers and emphasized loyalty, strength, and discipline. A person that held this quality had the virtue of gravitas or weightiness. The Romans were a practical society. They liked strength more than beauty, power over grace, and usefullness over elegance. The family was the heart of Roman society and family ties were important values. 
  4. The Roman household had an obvious leader. The leader was the pater familias or the father of the family. This was the eldest male in the family and he had all the power. He owned all the property and could even sell or kill other members. His main job was to protect family though and not do those things. He also spoke for the family in public places. The women in the family ran the household though and had more freedom than a Athenian woman. They could own property and testify in court. She could eat with her husband and often provided business or political advice. She could not vote though and stayed in the background. 
  5. The army was a big place in the Roman family because of how the family lived around it. Every man in Rome had to live a double life as a farmer and a soldier because of a constant threat of war. All male citizens, plebians and patricians, had to serve in the army. You couldn't hold public office until you had served ten years. Basically to get anywhere in Roman society you had to serve and you had to join either way. 
  6. We could compare Roman values to Greek values. Both cultures believe in being great and doing the best you can. They have high values and wanted to do everything good something we miss sometimes in culture nowadays. They valued loyalty and discipline something we don't always value nowadays. Roman society is a good society with good values to live by something Greek did have but in modern times not so much.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Test on Greece today.

      Today we finally had our test on Greece. It had about 30 multiple choice questions about everything from math, philosophy, Socrates, and architecture. It also had a essay question worth 25 points. I did my essay question on the allegory of the cave since i understood that concept well. I think I did well on the test. There were some questions I didnt know because I was absent the day we learned about it but that was only a few. Overall the test was just right and not too hard or easy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reviewing for the big Greece test in class today.

     Today we reviewed for our big test on Ancient Greece tomorrow. It will cover everything from the movie Greece the Crucible of civilization to our powerpoint presentations we did on certain Greek topics. We reviewed over a few peoples projects and talked about other subjects. Some review that we did was finding the three types of columns which are Ionic, Corinthian, and Doric. We reviewed that most ancient Greek sculptures were made of limestone or bronze. We reviewed the Peloponessian war and how the Athenians walled themselves into Athens and were killed by a plague. We reviewed Greek drama and saw that Theaters were called Theatertrons and had Skeens and orchestras. There were also three types of plays comedies, tragedies, and satyr. We reviewed the allegory of the cave and what it meant. Finally we reviewed some Greek philosophers and other things that will be on the test. We will take the test on last mod tomorrow.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Watching an awesome movie in class today.

     Today we watched a awesome movie about Alexander the Great. He was a war general who won many battles and conquered a lot of the world. He even beat Persia outnumbered by thousands of men. He wanted to conquer the whole world in his life and he wanted to do this by reaching the oceans. He believed once he found the oceans he had found the end of the world. In the movie we watched the battle of Galgama. It was against Persia and Alex won even though he was way outnumbered. He then defeated Persia. We also saw him fight against the Indians. He nearly lost that battle and his horse was killed. His men then revolted against him and they had to leave India. Alex died on the way back to Greece and his age ended. We will review next week for the test. The test will be on Wednesday.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Amir's Project on the Hellenistic age.

He had information that was short yet informative. He got to the point and didn't give out useless details but still explained it. Id give him a 97/100
1.  Whos death began the Hellenistic age. The death of Alexander the great.
2. Into how many parts was Alex's kingdom divided into. Four different parts after the people who wanted it fought over it and split it up.
3. What was the series of wars called that made up this age and hoe many were there? They were called the Punic wars and there were 3 of them.

Watching the movie in class today and the allegory of the cave.

     Today we finally finished watching Greece the Crucible of Civilization and then we discussed the allegory of the cave which was made by Plato. In the movie we saw things about Socrates. We saw that he was ugly but was very smart and thought outside the box so to speak. He questioned the government which got him in trouble. He also questioned the Gods and got others to think like this. He eventually got put to death for this but accepted his fate like a true hero. Platos allegory of the cave basically says that people are taught what the world is like from a young age by the government, TV, and your parents. We believe this and this is all we know until we go into the real world. Once we go out we discover what the real world is like or what times are like now. If we try to tell our friends or family that havent seen the real world yet they won't believe us. This basically says people believe what they see and might not know anything else in the world except what they are told. I will be gone from school tomorrow so I will miss class.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Todays Projects

He did a good job and had good information with many details.
1. What were the two major wars. The Peloponnesian war and Trojan War.
2. Who was the great military commander that conquered Persia. Alexander the Great.
3. Name two ancient Greek weapons. Sword, spear, shield, catapult, or Ballista.

He did a good job and had good info.
1. What was the theatre where plays were performed. Theater of Dionysus.
2. Name one kind of play the Greeks had. Comedy, Drama, or Tradgedy.
3. What were the short plays in between acts that made fun of the previous play. Satyr.

She did a good job with good info. 100/100
1. What were most building made of. Limestone.
2. Who made the statue of Athena in the Partenon. Phidias.
3. Why are not many statues left over. Because they were melted down for their Limestone.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Presenting my Project in class today!!

      Today in class we had a lot of people present their projects. Emily S went and told us about the trial of Socrates. Elena went and talked about Greek poetry. Rachel went and taught about Greek Architecture. Emily told about how people had to come up with charges like Impiety and corruption of young mens minds to charge him. We also learned how he had chances to escape from death but stayed the way the people chose, a very heroic thing to do. Rachel taught us about the three types of pillars which were ionic,doric, and corinthian. She also told us about how the Parthenon was built with simple Doric pillars. Elena taught us about a lot of poets and types of poetry. Types of poetry were pre classical, classical, Hellenistic, and roman age. We also learned about poets like Pindar, and Homer who might not even have existed. I then presented my project on the Age of Pericles which I thought went well. We will continue presenting Tuesday.

Grades in class today.

Emily S
She did good and her project taught me a lot I didn't know about the trial of Socrates. It was very good but it wasn't perfect 95/100

1. Name one charge that Socrates was charged with. Answer is Impiety or Corruption of young mens minds.
2. How was Socrates put to death. Answer is he had to drink the poisonous drink Hemlock that killed him.
3. How old was he when he was put to death. Answer is he was around 70 years old. 

She did a very good job on her project and explained Greek architecture well. She had a lot of details but didn't know a few things but other than that is was very good and well done. 97/100
1. What were the three types of pillars. Answer is Doric, Corinthian, and ionic.
2. What type of pillars was the Parthenon built with. It was built with the simple Doric Pillars. 
3. At what time was there not much Architecture in Greece. Answer from the end of the Mycaenean period to the 7th century. 

Her project was good. She had a lot of information and taught me a lot about the subject. She didn't know some things so it wasn't perfect. 90/100
1. What were the stages of poetry in Greece. The answer is Pre-Classical, Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman Age.
2. Who was the first Woman poet that also sung. The answer is Sappho.
3. Who was the blind poet who was thought to maybe not even exist. The answer is Homer, the blind poet.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

More Presentations in class today.

     Today in class we had more presentations on Greece. Colleen went and reported on ancient Greek philosophers. Amir tried to go but the computer projector didn't work so we couldn't do that. Colleen's was all about ancient Greek Philosophers. It taught me a lot of things I didn't know like philosophers I never heard off like Thales and the Epicureans. I also thought the Epicurean idea of happiness was very interesting. We also learned from Mr.Schick how Socrates taught and how he would make you think about everything. He said something like if you don't understand what you believe life isn't worth living. Amir's project was on the Hellanistic age but didn't work right. He will get to go tomorrow along with me. I will present mine on The Age of Pericles tomorrow, hopefully.

Colleen's Project on Greek Philosophers.

     Colleen had a good project with a lot of information. It was well put together and informative with a lot of detail and information about Greek philosophers. It covered many different Philosophers and was good. She did just read off the slide sometimes though.

Three Questions.
1. What did the Epicureans believe in. Answer is they believed that you should make yourself happy and you can do this by wanting less and being happy with what you have.
2.What was Socrates interested in. He was interested in Ethics.
3. What is so special about Thales. Answer- He is considered to be the first Western Philosopher.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Presenting the first two projects in class today.

     Today we presented the first two Greek projects in class today. Emily Waite and Rita went. Emily's was about scientific and mathematical breakthroughs in ancient Greece. Rita's was about Homer the blind poet. I learned new things like how Greeks didn't like algebra and instead focused on geometry. I learned how Greeks discovered the Pythagorean Theorum and how it was discovered by Pythagoras. From Rita's project I learned that Homer might not have been real but just a legend that people spread around saying he told these stories to people. Tomorrow Colleen, Emily.S, and I will present. My Project is on the Golden Age of Greece or the Age of Pericles. My project is also a slideshow.

Rita's Project on Greece.

Rita did a good job. She just read off of the slides though and stopped a lot of times. 
My three questions are
  1. What two famous poems did Homer write. Answer is the Illiad and the Odyssey. 
  2. Around what time was Homer born. The answer is around 8th or 9th century BC.
  3. What was so special about Homer. He was a blind poet. 

Emily Waite's project

She did a good job of giving information. She read straight off of the slides though which wasn't good. She did bring in pie though so that make up for it.
My three questions are

  1. Who created the pythagorean Theorum and what is it. Pythagoras created it and it is A2+B2=C2
  2. Who discovered displacement. Answer is Archimedes. 
  3. Who discovered things about eclipses and suppoively taught Pythagoras. the answer is Thales. 

93/100 A

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Perfecting our Powerpoints on Greece.

     Today in class we worked on our powerpoints some more. Mr.Schick showed us his powerpoint that he made for a class he takes as an example of what a good presentation would be. He basically said that for it to be good you just have to not put a whole bunch of information on one slide. Instead put smaller bullets and then explain them on your own and not just read off of the slides. My powerpoint is on the age of Pericles. I found out things like how art, culture, and science developed. I also learned about economic, political, and military developments in this age. Tomorrow we will begin to present our projects to the class. We will present them like we are teaching a lesson to the class on Greece.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Looking over a test in class today

Today in class we looked over the end of the latest test we took on ancient Greece and the movie Greece the Crucible of Civilization. We then looked over two older quizzes on Egypt that were about Ancient egypt and a little about modern Egypt and the revolution that happened there. We also finalized what subjects we would do out spring break projects on and mine is still on the Greek Golden age or age of Pericles. Only Colleen and Amir traded. We are now on spring break and have a project to do.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Going over the Test in class today.

      Today we went over the test that we took in class. I got a 93 percent on it and i thought i did better. We looked over all the questions and answered them but the last few ones. We also learned about our spring break project. We have to make a lesson about whatever our subject we were randomly given was. Mine was the Greek golden age. You can do anything from a powerpoint to a song. I dont know what I am going to do yet but my subject seems pretty easy. Tomorrow in class we will finish reviewing the test and then we will continue watching Greece The Crucible of Civilization.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Taking a Test in class today.

      Today we took a test on the Greek movie. The movie was Greece the Crucible of Civilization. It was a test that was multiple choice and had 29 questions. It was about ancient Greece and people like Themisticles, Pericles, Isagoras, Aspasia, and Clesithenes.  It brought our final point count up to 400. I thought it was pretty easy. We will continue in class tomorrow.


    • Greeks started many things like science lit. drama and many new inventions
    • Greeks had a powerful army that took down many powerful forces
    • They had a powerful navy
    • Famous dudes
      • Themistocles
      • Herocles
      • Socrates( famous philosopher)
      • In athens 500 BC people were revolting demanding freedom
      • Clystenes was ruler at this time
        • He gave these people freedom a first
        • He begand the road to becoming a empire when he did this
        • He was born aroun 570 BC
        • From birth he was taught he was a arisocrat a ruler
      • Athens where he grew up was a small town
        • Built around a steep sided outcrop of bare rock
        • This allowed them to be protected from invaders
        • The town housed many trademans and not many people knew how to read or write life expectancy was 15 years not much medecine or science
        • The common athenina lived under rule of athenian aristocrats and then the poorer people.
        • Aristotle the famous writer said the world was living in unjustice and unfairness
        • Athens didn’t grow because aristocrats only wanted to gain power
      • Greece
        • Doesn’t have the geographical looks to be an empire
        • Greece also didn’t have many rivers or plains not useful fro building up a empire
        • Greece had many city states
        • The corinthians dominated greek trades
        • The city sparta had army power
          • This was because spartans were raised to be soldiers from birth
          • They didn’t have many posessions
          • Sparta conquered many regions around greece and threatened greece
      • Greece was inspired by many stories and myths
        • They picked up these stories from traveling bards who sold stories
        • Two famous poems were made by the famous poet homer
          • These poems showed heros whos strenght and power brought glory
          • Clystenes was brought up with these stories and they shaped him and how he ruled
          • He wanted to pursue a life of glory through strenght and get power and victory for him. To be a hero
      • Heroditus roder into athens one day and came with a woman named athena claiming she was a goddess
        • She want a god but got himr fule
        • He gave them loans to build up farms and gave athenians a chance for prosperity
        • People began to grow more vines and olives
        • This helped people because olives were a very important economical thing
        • As production soared athenians found  a big market for these
        • Greece was in the middle of many great ancient civlizations so trade was easy
        • Everyone wanted to trade for greek olives so they prospered and got many other things
        • The consequence of this expansion was that art began and a vase was made
          • Back then what was in the vase was more important
        • They were made in RLD
        • If you were a potter you were down low on the ladder
        • Pots were useful for transferring water and thing usally and not art
        • Athenians developed art on the pots
        • This new style is still astonishing today
        • Many greek pots are very valuable
        • Greeks made these pots to outdo each other
        • Athenians finally tasted freedom
      • Clystenes turned Athens into a uinternationl economic power
        • He died though
      • His son hippias took over and followed his dad at first
        • He soon turned into a tyrant rhough
        • In 514 BC his bro got whacked
        • Hippies behavior changed and then killed both killers and killed wife by torture
        • Aristotle described his slide as revenge fro his bros death and he wanted revenge
        • There was a tyranny in Athens
        • He knew that aristocrats could take his him down
        • Clystenes tried to overwthrow hippias to get power for him and his fam
        • He made a conspiracy to topple him
        • Clystenes was one of the most powerful figuresin athens
        • Greek society was changing
        • Every one could prosper now
      • Olympia
        • Here every 4 years greek men would compete
        • Began in 1776 BC
        • At first only rich people could compete buy by clys times anyone could compete andbe a a hero
        • Chariot racing, running, wresting, boxing were included
        • No prize but fame through greece
        • About 40 k greeks would gather for games
        • This was like a civilized way to be a hero
      • Many people conspired against clystenes and included igsiorus
        • HE WENT out of athens for support to get power
        • Called for help from sparta
        • He was an old friend of spartans
        • The spartans gave him some of their best troops to help take Athens
        • He gained control of athens
        • He was a tyrant
        • After he gained power he went after other cats like clystenes
        • Clystenes left the city with a tyrant ruling with help of sparta
        • He felt like all his kid stories were a lie and he couldn’t be like a hero and it all led to downfall
      • Athens was rocked by an extraordinary event
        • The ordinary people of athens revolted and took destiny into their won hands
        • They rose up and took athns
        • Isagorus and sparta blockaded themelves at the high point of the city but it was no help
        • He only survived 2 days and then surrenfdered
        • 508 BC
        • This was the first step to athens rise to power and glory
      • The atenians turned to one new amn now he was clystenes
        • He built a government
        • He had to build it himself for a new situation
        • He had to give his citizens a say in their future
        • He had a meeting place built on a athenians hillside and the citizrns of athen soculd come discuss future of athens
        • Clystenes implemente dvoting by white pebble yes black pebble no
        • They gathered every nine days to discuss issues
        • He made the athenians the govt
        • Normal greeks could be heroes in polotics
    • Part 2
      • 508 BC
        • In athens pandomonium rules streets
        • Ordindary people wanted freedom and turned on rulers
        • Cleisthenes
        • He gave them freedom to govern themselves
        • Aristocrat a rich person who ruled
        • Cleisthenes was an aristocrat
        • Acropolis- it’s the outcropping of rock where athens was founded
        • Many farmers and tradesmen lived in athens
        • Life expectancy at birth was less than 15 years
        • No science medicine, reading and writing was a rare skill
        • Aristocrats owed everything and the poor people were almost like slaves but they were paid and treated badly so they were not
        • Greece wasn’t a place that had geography to be great
        • They had no main rivers or open planes
        • Greece was very mountanis
        • Because they were separated they all became small countries called city states
          • Each had theit own cultures and histories
        • Sparta was a big city state made for military, discipline, and war
          • Cleisthenes was brought up by a self interested elite
        • Ancient tales of myth inspired greece
        • Traveling bards told these stories
          • The illiad
          • The odyssey
          • Homer wrote these
        • These stories were all about heroes
        • Cleisthenes wanted to be one of these heroes
        • He took these stories to heart
        • Tyrant took over greece
          • A tyrant is someone who comes in and takes control
          • One man came in with a tall woman who said she was athena the man said she said he was destined to be ruler and he got rule yo
          • Pisistratus was the one who took over cleisthenes was the one who took over

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quiz Tomorrow on this movie!!!

     Today we finished up the movie. We learned some final things like how Greece was destroyed. Pericles was the leader that brought Greece into the Golden age. He did many things that allowed them to advance. He built the famous Greek Parthenon. It was made from 20,000 tons of marble and it cost about 5000 talons to build or 1 billion dollars. It took about 15 years to build. It was the most glorious symbol of athens and displayed their power and glory on the acropolis. Also on this the normal people were glorified on the Freizi and were chiseled into it. Also Pericles was an aristocrat unlike Themisticles. He also had a "escore" Esposia who was a smart beauitful woman. She helped make decisions with Pericles and was one woman who was almost treated equally. This made some people angry. Also the first theaters were built in Greece and contained mainly comedies and tradgedies. Tradgedies would display a hero having his weakness exploited and falling. Finally Pericles had hubris or arrogance. He wanted to be the most powerful city in greece so he wanted to beat the Spartans. He would retratd and beat them from the sea.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Watching the movie on Greece in class 3/18/11

      Today we watched the movie about Greece in class again and took notes on it. We learned about Themisticles and how he saved Greece from being crushed by Persia. First of all he wasnt the normal rich, cultured, aristocratic leader that Athens usually had. He was a normal man and led thanks to democracy. He knew Persia would invade Greece again and began making ships called trirends to defend Greece. They were ships that could ram other ships and destroy them. He built 200 of these ships for war. He got the money by finding silver in Greece. The leader that would invade Greece was Xerxes. He wanted to avenge his fathers death so he wanted to burn Greece to the ground in revenge. He supposively had an army of about 2 million soldiers but he really didnt but he had the biggest army for his time. In 483 BC he set out for Athens. He ravaged all the Greek land as he moved on and turned it into a wasteland. The Greeks went to the oracle at Delphi to see of the Gods had a way for them to win. At first the Gods said they were doomed and should run away. Themisticles instead said that his ships he made would allow them to win the battle. Athens was evacuated and they prepared for war.
     The Athenians went to the island of Salamis to prepare for war as Athens was burned to the  ground. The Persian navy had 4 times as many ships as Athens but didnt have the triends. The Greeks wanted to face off in the strait of salamis to make up for the small navy. The Greeks got the Persians to go there by getting a guy to tell them that was the place they could win. The Greeks won when they beat the slow Persian ships in the small strait with their quick ships. They won and they became a superpower prospering and entering a golden age. One thing was that Themisticles was forced to leave because they thought he was becoming to powerful.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Watching more of "Greece The Crucible of Civilization."

     Today we watched the movie about Greece again. We saw how Athens became a free city from Spartan rule. Hippias was a tyrant who ruled Athens. After his brother was killed he became suspicious of everyone and treated people unfairly. He was overthrown by  Cleisthenes who used a conspiracy to do so.
     We also learned about the Olympics. They were held in Olympia and were a way for the average person to be a hero. At first the Olympics were only for the rich but after a while anyone could compete. The poorest person in Greece could beat a king and attain glory. The Greeks would gather in groups of up to 40,000 to watch this event and things like chariot races, and running took place. This was a way for anyone to be a hero.
     Once Cleisthenes took over again Isagoris conspired to take hime over. He got the help of Spartas military power and pushed Cleisthenes out of Athens and took tyrant rule. He oppressed people and took away freedom. He ruled from atop the acropolis with the Spartans and was powerful. The athen people revolted however and for three days fought back. On the third day they won and crushed Spartan rule. After that Cleisthenes was put back in power. He gave people the ability to vote on everything from the agora. The average person had power now and democracy was born. This is also the first recorded time people revolted against rulers.
     After Cleisthenes time the Persians tried to invade Greece.The Athen people came together and fought back against them. They came together without an army only hoplites and won. They killed over 6000 persians in one day. They saved their way of life and freedom Cleisthenes gave them. The story of Peliphede came from this as he ran a "marathon" from marathon to tell Athens of their victory. We will continue watching in class tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Watching the movie again with Mr.Schick

     Today we watched the movie " Greece The Crucible of Civilization" again but this time with Mr.Schick to explain a few things for us. In 508 BC there was a revolution in Greece. People wanted freedom and the ability to have a say in Greece. Before the aristocrats controlled everything so the same families were always in control. The people wanted the average person to be able to have a say in the government. The man who gave Greece freedom was Cleisthenes. He gave them the ability to vote and have a say in the government. Cleisthenes himself was an aristocrat. He changed the way of life in Athens.
     Greece was a place that was very mountaious. The country was very divided because of this and was made up of separate city states. They hated each other at many times and fought. For example you had Athens, and Sparta. Sparta was a place where you were raised as a warrior. Another problem with Greeces landscape was that it had no rivers running through the country or open planes.It had its advantages though. For example Athens was built on top of a slab of rock so they had a good view of invaders and protection.
     Finally Greece was inspired by stories. Traveling Bards would go around and tell these stories. Some were the Illiad or the Odyssey. These were written by the blind poet homer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Slideshow on Greece Today.

     Today we watched a slideshow about ancient Greece. We first learned about the geography of Greece. It is a very mountanous place and this separates Greece. They formed many separate city states and never really united in ancient times. About 1/4 of Greece was fertile valleys in between the mountains used for farming. Greece also had about 1400 islands they colonized. Because of the mountains sailing down and around Greece was easier than hiking through the mountains. Greece had many skilled sailors because of this. Also Greece didnt have many natural resources so they had to colonize many islands for resources. Finally temperatures range from around 48 in winter to about 80 in summer. Next we learned the Myceanas dominated Greece from about 1600-1400 BC. They were very smart and controlled trade in Greece. They were protected by a rocky ridge and 20 ft thick wall. They were overtook by the Dorians though and the dark ages began when there was no writing recorded and poems took over. One famous poem story teller was the blind poet homer. This lasted for about 400 years. We will learn more tomorrow.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Greece Crucible of Civilization notes

     Today in class we watched a movie about Greece the "Crucible of Civilization." It revolves around Greece and the story of Clystenes. He was a ruler who gave the city of Athens freedom. He grew up in Athens in a rich family who ruled the city in part. He listened to many stories about heroes who had glory through power and strength and he wanted to be like that when he grew up. He wanted to achieve this by being a ruler. Athens at the time was a small town and had many poor people who had no chance. He changed that when he became ruler by giving loans to people who began yo grow olives. This helped push Greece to a power because of the economic boost. Before this the Corinthians dominated Greek trade. Also Athens helped make what was nothing but a tool for carrying water to a work of art. The pot. Hippias took over though and turned into a tyrant. Clystenes toppled him though through a conspiracy. Athens was then tooken over by the military power Sparta but the people revolted took it back and put Clystenes in charge again and he made a democracy.
    The greeks also invented many other things like the Olympics at Olympia a civilized way to be a hero.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reading in class again and looking at our amazing slideshow which is much better than the other sections.

     Today we reread some of the stuff from the history book. We then looked over our slideshow we colloborated to make. People did slides on Cyrus the Great, Darius the Great, The Persian Empire, Marathon, Herodotus, Sparta, Barbarians and Ionia. We learned more about the battle of Marathon and the achievements of Cyrus and Darius. We also learned more about Barbarians like how the Greeks thought anyone living outside of Greece was a uncultured, uncivilized person or a barbarian. I also learned that Darius the great tried and failed many times to conquer Greece. We will watch a movie on Greece in class tomorrow since Mr. Schick will be gone and well take notes on it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Making a Cool Slideshow today.

     Today in class Mr.Schick read to us about the ancient Greeks, Persia, and Sparta. It was from a book that talked about some bad things. Then we all started to work on a class project slideshow on google docs. It is about Ancient Greece and Persia. I am doing a slide on Cyprus the great. He was a leader of Persia who conquered many lands. His name meant like the sun and he ruled for about 29-31 years. He conquered Medes, Babylon, and Asia Minor. He also created the famous immortals unit for Persia. He was actually nice to the places he captured even though he conquered so many places and allowed religious freedom and respected other beliefs.
info from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrus_the_Great#Dynastic_history

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Taking A Eyptian Test in class today and singing the anthem.

      Today we took a test about Egypt during class. It took almost all class and was about modern and ancient Egypt. There was 20 multiple choice, 3 short answer, and 1 essay. It wasnt too hard but it wasnt really easy either. After that we had a round of singing the Egyptian anthem which sounded very funny. I think I did average on the test and a few questions confused me.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mr.Schick is being a TV announcer once again.

     Today was out being a TV announcer in the play. We had two substitute teachers today. We had Mr. Paaby and Mr. Huber. We looked at a powerpoint on modern day Egypt and learned some new things. I learned that Egypts economy revolves around oil and natural gas manufacturing. They also have a small agriculture portion since only 3% of their land is farmable. They grow rice corn and beans. They also built a dam to control flooding of the Nile. They have a national flag that is red black and white. They speak mainly arabic but also English and German. Their main religion is muslim but have small traces of Christian Coptic. They have a population of 79 million people. They have bad religious conflicts and are 12th worst for religious violence and 5th worst for religious freedom.Their dam also makes a lot of electricity. Only 3 % of their land is arable and they make good cotton. They have had alliances with the US and Soviet Union. They have had 3 leaders. They also just had a big revolution.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mr. Schick is in the play today.

      Today Mr.Schick was in the play so we had a substitute. We had mr. sutton as our sub and then Dr.Yueng. We went over the Prezi that we started watching yesterday about Ancient Egypt. Some other things I learned were about the Pharaoh and some more about Pyramids and daily life. We learned that the pharaoh had a few nicknames like lord of the two lands and high priest of every temple. He controlled all the lawmaking and taxes for Egypt. He also defended Egypt from invaders. There were a few female pharaohs throughout Egyptian history like Hatshepsut and Cleopatra. I learned that soldiers used wooden weapons with bronze tips. I also saw that Egyptian merchants were the first to implement a trading and bartering system. Mr. Schick will also be gone for the play tomorrow so we will have a sub again.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mr.Schicks Prezi about Egypt.

      Today we watched a Prezi Mr.Schick made about Ancient Egypt. We learned about Pharaohs, gods, the geography of Egypt, and daily life. We learned that Egypt revolved around the Nile River. They believed it was involved with the Gods, and was a living breathing thing. It flooded ever year and gave them fertile land to farm on. It had a delta on it which is a triangular shaped, marsh like, end of the river. In Egypt's daily life they had a social ladder it went from Pharaoh, Government officials, scribes, merchants, artisans, farmers, and slaves. The higher up the ladder you were, the less of your kind there were. Many pyramids were built and took thousands of people to build them. The Sphinx was half lion and a human head. It was supposed to represent a guardian for Egypt since it was lying in a recumbent position. It is the oldest standing monumental statue and was built from 2555 BC to 2532 BC. The Egyptians were also very smart and figured out days from the suns pattern in the sky, months by the moons waning, and years by season changes and flooding patterns. Egypt also had many Gods that they worshiped and believed they all did a different thing fr Egypt from flooding the river to representing animals. We will continue tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rapping a test yo.

      Today we went over all the test questions so we can know them better for the exam. We rapped the out and   jammed out to some marky mark and the funky bunch. I did well on the test and got a 90 something. We will have some of the stuff that was on the test on the finals. The only question everyone got right was about domesticated animals. We will do something new tomorrow and be done with Papau New Guinea and Jared Diamond.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Skyping with the Egyptian Lady during class today.

     Today we had a skype conversation with a person from Egypt named Sara. We got to ask her questions about her experience in Egypt and the revolution. I asked her how social media affected her like facebook or twitter. I asked her if she went to any protests or marches or anything. I also asked her how it felt when they finally won the revolution. She answered all my questions in detail and was very nice and friendly. Many other people asked her questions and she also answered all them in detail. We will continue discussing all the things we learned in class when we get back on Tuesday. This was a very cool experience to have especially since it was a few days after the revolution happened, a historic event.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Learning how facebook started a revolution. Kinda

     Today we watched a video on the protests and marches in Egypt for the revolution. We learned a lot about how Facebook and Twitter helped start the revolution by spreading word about marches, and protests and why people should go. We saw how the police were brutal to people who opposed the government and the people wanted to change that. They did marches on police day which was ironic and another one to the presidential palace called the day of rage referring to how they were mad over the polices brutality. The group who started the revolution on facebook is called the April 6th group. One of their memebers was arrested by police at one point. I finished watching the video at home tonight. Tomorrow we are talking to a person who was part of the revlution in Egypt, via skype.

10 Questions for our Egyptian Skype Buddy.

1. How did social media involve you during the revolution. Did you join any groups on facebook, follow feeds on twitter etc.
2. Did you go to any marches or protests and if so, what where they like.
3. What was the feeling like when you finally succeeded in toppling the president.
4. Did you have any opposing views with your friends or family during the revolution about the president.
5. What were the main problems you had with the president or what did you think was wrong with the regime.
6. What kind of government would you like to see put into place now after the president has left.
7. Has anything in your daily life changed since the president has left.
8. How long have you wanted the president to leave for.
9. Did you ever have a run in with the police during the revolution or do you know anyone that did.
10. How did you find out about the marches and protests occuring.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Throwin down some mad rhymes in class today.

Today in class we all did our raps or songs. My song was pretty amazing thanks to a beat layed down by Amir. We also learned a bit more about the revolution in Egypt and watched a video about it where a girl and the rest of her family have opposing views on what is right and wrong about the government and whether it should be overthrown. This starts arguments between the opposing family members. We also learned that we might talk to one of Mr.Schicks friends on Egypt, via Skype, about the revolution. She was a person active in the revolution. We will learn more about the revolution tomorrow and finish up the video.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Egyptian Rap

" Egyptian Rap"
By: Cole Alban

You better know where Egypt is on a map cuz im about to throw down an Egyptian rap
Egyptians are awesome, they are cool
they were very smart they weren't fools
they built pyramids high in the sky
the great pyramid is a wonder of the world that ain't a lie
They buried their dead pharaohs in these pyramids when they die
because when they die they rise up to the heavens real high
They become a sun god and join the rest
they have hundreds of gods which they believe are the best
these gods represent things like animals plants and the sun
after the pharaoh died the new divine figure is the pharaohs son
The pharaohs all wore some special clothes
the fact they were the pharaoh is something everyone would know
they wore things like the shendyt and the nemes
these were a royal kilt and headcloth and they looked clean
sometimes Egypt had pharisees 
woman who ruled the land and strived to please
The Nile river allowed the Egyptians to travel and water plants with ease
they could travel down through Africa at their please
without the Nile Egypt would never advance
the Nile helped Egypt blow by everyone like they were in a trance
the Nile helps water Egypt's plants since they get little rain
without it farming would be a huge pain
As you can tell Egypt is a really cool place
if you don't agree ill slap you on the face