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Monday, February 21, 2011

Egyptian Rap

" Egyptian Rap"
By: Cole Alban

You better know where Egypt is on a map cuz im about to throw down an Egyptian rap
Egyptians are awesome, they are cool
they were very smart they weren't fools
they built pyramids high in the sky
the great pyramid is a wonder of the world that ain't a lie
They buried their dead pharaohs in these pyramids when they die
because when they die they rise up to the heavens real high
They become a sun god and join the rest
they have hundreds of gods which they believe are the best
these gods represent things like animals plants and the sun
after the pharaoh died the new divine figure is the pharaohs son
The pharaohs all wore some special clothes
the fact they were the pharaoh is something everyone would know
they wore things like the shendyt and the nemes
these were a royal kilt and headcloth and they looked clean
sometimes Egypt had pharisees 
woman who ruled the land and strived to please
The Nile river allowed the Egyptians to travel and water plants with ease
they could travel down through Africa at their please
without the Nile Egypt would never advance
the Nile helped Egypt blow by everyone like they were in a trance
the Nile helps water Egypt's plants since they get little rain
without it farming would be a huge pain
As you can tell Egypt is a really cool place
if you don't agree ill slap you on the face

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