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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Guns Germs and Steel movie 2-3-11

      Today in class we continued watching Guns Germs and Steel. We saw a lot of about how animals were a big influence in the advancement of Middle Eastern People. Once the ancient people began to farm they also learned how to domesticate animals to use for various things. They would use the animals for meat, milk, muscle power, hair, and other things. Some of the animals they domesticated were the Camel, goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, camels, water buffalos, llamas, reindeers, yaks, mithan, and balli cattle. These are the only 14 plant eating mammals over 100 pounds that man has domesticated. Man cant domesticate animals like lions, tigers, and zebras for the obvious reason that they are either naturally aggressive or fearful. Domesticating the animals gave the people food, milk, and material to ,make clothes. Also the animals could be used to plow fields and to ride on so it made farming easier. In Papa New Guinea the only domesticated animal is the pig which can only be used for food not farming so that doesnt help them. Once again the whole luck of where you are geographically plays in for reasons like what animals are in your area. We will continue watching the movie in class tomorrow.

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