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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Western CIv Test Essay 2-10-11i

Essay Letter (A)
     Before ancient civilizations  that we know of existed, everybody hunted and gathered food. This means people would be nomads. They would move from place to place gathering food, and hunting animals. They would do this until the food supply ran out. This worked but was very time consuming and the people spent all their time looking for something to eat and traveling to new areas with food. After a while people discovered how to farm food, and domesticate animals. This opened up a new world of opportunities but how did they make the transition. 
     Around 13,000 years ago everyone was hunting and gathering. This, like I said, was very time consuming and people spent all their time looking for food. After a while, in the fertile crescent, people discovered how to farm the useful crops of wheat and barley. They would plant the seeds of this crops and control when they grew, were harvested, and basically controlled the plants. Eventually this domesticated the plants and turned them into the crops we know today. They could grow plants whenever it was in season and they could stockpile all these crops for later use. This meant not everybody had to spend all their time trying to find food. Also people domesticated animals by controlling when they eat, what they eat, and where they went. This allowed the people to use the animals for fur, milk, manpower, and meat. This all allowed people to do other things called specialized jobs. These were things like weaving, plaster making,  weapon making. and other things that people developed. All these things now allowed people to move forward in civilization because they had advanced technology. They could advance in civilization all because people changed from hunters to farmers.
     Making the transition from hunting to farming was very important in the growth of people. It might have taken a long time, over thousands of years, but once people started to farm crops and animals they sped ahead. They could develop many new technologies and advance. Without farming we would not be where we are today. We might still me living like they did 13,000 years ago when they hunted and gathered. Although the transition may have been hard it was very important to advances in civilization. 

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