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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mr.Schicks Prezi about Egypt.

      Today we watched a Prezi Mr.Schick made about Ancient Egypt. We learned about Pharaohs, gods, the geography of Egypt, and daily life. We learned that Egypt revolved around the Nile River. They believed it was involved with the Gods, and was a living breathing thing. It flooded ever year and gave them fertile land to farm on. It had a delta on it which is a triangular shaped, marsh like, end of the river. In Egypt's daily life they had a social ladder it went from Pharaoh, Government officials, scribes, merchants, artisans, farmers, and slaves. The higher up the ladder you were, the less of your kind there were. Many pyramids were built and took thousands of people to build them. The Sphinx was half lion and a human head. It was supposed to represent a guardian for Egypt since it was lying in a recumbent position. It is the oldest standing monumental statue and was built from 2555 BC to 2532 BC. The Egyptians were also very smart and figured out days from the suns pattern in the sky, months by the moons waning, and years by season changes and flooding patterns. Egypt also had many Gods that they worshiped and believed they all did a different thing fr Egypt from flooding the river to representing animals. We will continue tomorrow.

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