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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


    • Greeks started many things like science lit. drama and many new inventions
    • Greeks had a powerful army that took down many powerful forces
    • They had a powerful navy
    • Famous dudes
      • Themistocles
      • Herocles
      • Socrates( famous philosopher)
      • In athens 500 BC people were revolting demanding freedom
      • Clystenes was ruler at this time
        • He gave these people freedom a first
        • He begand the road to becoming a empire when he did this
        • He was born aroun 570 BC
        • From birth he was taught he was a arisocrat a ruler
      • Athens where he grew up was a small town
        • Built around a steep sided outcrop of bare rock
        • This allowed them to be protected from invaders
        • The town housed many trademans and not many people knew how to read or write life expectancy was 15 years not much medecine or science
        • The common athenina lived under rule of athenian aristocrats and then the poorer people.
        • Aristotle the famous writer said the world was living in unjustice and unfairness
        • Athens didn’t grow because aristocrats only wanted to gain power
      • Greece
        • Doesn’t have the geographical looks to be an empire
        • Greece also didn’t have many rivers or plains not useful fro building up a empire
        • Greece had many city states
        • The corinthians dominated greek trades
        • The city sparta had army power
          • This was because spartans were raised to be soldiers from birth
          • They didn’t have many posessions
          • Sparta conquered many regions around greece and threatened greece
      • Greece was inspired by many stories and myths
        • They picked up these stories from traveling bards who sold stories
        • Two famous poems were made by the famous poet homer
          • These poems showed heros whos strenght and power brought glory
          • Clystenes was brought up with these stories and they shaped him and how he ruled
          • He wanted to pursue a life of glory through strenght and get power and victory for him. To be a hero
      • Heroditus roder into athens one day and came with a woman named athena claiming she was a goddess
        • She want a god but got himr fule
        • He gave them loans to build up farms and gave athenians a chance for prosperity
        • People began to grow more vines and olives
        • This helped people because olives were a very important economical thing
        • As production soared athenians found  a big market for these
        • Greece was in the middle of many great ancient civlizations so trade was easy
        • Everyone wanted to trade for greek olives so they prospered and got many other things
        • The consequence of this expansion was that art began and a vase was made
          • Back then what was in the vase was more important
        • They were made in RLD
        • If you were a potter you were down low on the ladder
        • Pots were useful for transferring water and thing usally and not art
        • Athenians developed art on the pots
        • This new style is still astonishing today
        • Many greek pots are very valuable
        • Greeks made these pots to outdo each other
        • Athenians finally tasted freedom
      • Clystenes turned Athens into a uinternationl economic power
        • He died though
      • His son hippias took over and followed his dad at first
        • He soon turned into a tyrant rhough
        • In 514 BC his bro got whacked
        • Hippies behavior changed and then killed both killers and killed wife by torture
        • Aristotle described his slide as revenge fro his bros death and he wanted revenge
        • There was a tyranny in Athens
        • He knew that aristocrats could take his him down
        • Clystenes tried to overwthrow hippias to get power for him and his fam
        • He made a conspiracy to topple him
        • Clystenes was one of the most powerful figuresin athens
        • Greek society was changing
        • Every one could prosper now
      • Olympia
        • Here every 4 years greek men would compete
        • Began in 1776 BC
        • At first only rich people could compete buy by clys times anyone could compete andbe a a hero
        • Chariot racing, running, wresting, boxing were included
        • No prize but fame through greece
        • About 40 k greeks would gather for games
        • This was like a civilized way to be a hero
      • Many people conspired against clystenes and included igsiorus
        • HE WENT out of athens for support to get power
        • Called for help from sparta
        • He was an old friend of spartans
        • The spartans gave him some of their best troops to help take Athens
        • He gained control of athens
        • He was a tyrant
        • After he gained power he went after other cats like clystenes
        • Clystenes left the city with a tyrant ruling with help of sparta
        • He felt like all his kid stories were a lie and he couldn’t be like a hero and it all led to downfall
      • Athens was rocked by an extraordinary event
        • The ordinary people of athens revolted and took destiny into their won hands
        • They rose up and took athns
        • Isagorus and sparta blockaded themelves at the high point of the city but it was no help
        • He only survived 2 days and then surrenfdered
        • 508 BC
        • This was the first step to athens rise to power and glory
      • The atenians turned to one new amn now he was clystenes
        • He built a government
        • He had to build it himself for a new situation
        • He had to give his citizens a say in their future
        • He had a meeting place built on a athenians hillside and the citizrns of athen soculd come discuss future of athens
        • Clystenes implemente dvoting by white pebble yes black pebble no
        • They gathered every nine days to discuss issues
        • He made the athenians the govt
        • Normal greeks could be heroes in polotics
    • Part 2
      • 508 BC
        • In athens pandomonium rules streets
        • Ordindary people wanted freedom and turned on rulers
        • Cleisthenes
        • He gave them freedom to govern themselves
        • Aristocrat a rich person who ruled
        • Cleisthenes was an aristocrat
        • Acropolis- it’s the outcropping of rock where athens was founded
        • Many farmers and tradesmen lived in athens
        • Life expectancy at birth was less than 15 years
        • No science medicine, reading and writing was a rare skill
        • Aristocrats owed everything and the poor people were almost like slaves but they were paid and treated badly so they were not
        • Greece wasn’t a place that had geography to be great
        • They had no main rivers or open planes
        • Greece was very mountanis
        • Because they were separated they all became small countries called city states
          • Each had theit own cultures and histories
        • Sparta was a big city state made for military, discipline, and war
          • Cleisthenes was brought up by a self interested elite
        • Ancient tales of myth inspired greece
        • Traveling bards told these stories
          • The illiad
          • The odyssey
          • Homer wrote these
        • These stories were all about heroes
        • Cleisthenes wanted to be one of these heroes
        • He took these stories to heart
        • Tyrant took over greece
          • A tyrant is someone who comes in and takes control
          • One man came in with a tall woman who said she was athena the man said she said he was destined to be ruler and he got rule yo
          • Pisistratus was the one who took over cleisthenes was the one who took over

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