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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Watching more of "Greece The Crucible of Civilization."

     Today we watched the movie about Greece again. We saw how Athens became a free city from Spartan rule. Hippias was a tyrant who ruled Athens. After his brother was killed he became suspicious of everyone and treated people unfairly. He was overthrown by  Cleisthenes who used a conspiracy to do so.
     We also learned about the Olympics. They were held in Olympia and were a way for the average person to be a hero. At first the Olympics were only for the rich but after a while anyone could compete. The poorest person in Greece could beat a king and attain glory. The Greeks would gather in groups of up to 40,000 to watch this event and things like chariot races, and running took place. This was a way for anyone to be a hero.
     Once Cleisthenes took over again Isagoris conspired to take hime over. He got the help of Spartas military power and pushed Cleisthenes out of Athens and took tyrant rule. He oppressed people and took away freedom. He ruled from atop the acropolis with the Spartans and was powerful. The athen people revolted however and for three days fought back. On the third day they won and crushed Spartan rule. After that Cleisthenes was put back in power. He gave people the ability to vote on everything from the agora. The average person had power now and democracy was born. This is also the first recorded time people revolted against rulers.
     After Cleisthenes time the Persians tried to invade Greece.The Athen people came together and fought back against them. They came together without an army only hoplites and won. They killed over 6000 persians in one day. They saved their way of life and freedom Cleisthenes gave them. The story of Peliphede came from this as he ran a "marathon" from marathon to tell Athens of their victory. We will continue watching in class tomorrow.

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