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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Slideshow on Greece Today.

     Today we watched a slideshow about ancient Greece. We first learned about the geography of Greece. It is a very mountanous place and this separates Greece. They formed many separate city states and never really united in ancient times. About 1/4 of Greece was fertile valleys in between the mountains used for farming. Greece also had about 1400 islands they colonized. Because of the mountains sailing down and around Greece was easier than hiking through the mountains. Greece had many skilled sailors because of this. Also Greece didnt have many natural resources so they had to colonize many islands for resources. Finally temperatures range from around 48 in winter to about 80 in summer. Next we learned the Myceanas dominated Greece from about 1600-1400 BC. They were very smart and controlled trade in Greece. They were protected by a rocky ridge and 20 ft thick wall. They were overtook by the Dorians though and the dark ages began when there was no writing recorded and poems took over. One famous poem story teller was the blind poet homer. This lasted for about 400 years. We will learn more tomorrow.

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