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Friday, April 8, 2011

Presenting my Project in class today!!

      Today in class we had a lot of people present their projects. Emily S went and told us about the trial of Socrates. Elena went and talked about Greek poetry. Rachel went and taught about Greek Architecture. Emily told about how people had to come up with charges like Impiety and corruption of young mens minds to charge him. We also learned how he had chances to escape from death but stayed the way the people chose, a very heroic thing to do. Rachel taught us about the three types of pillars which were ionic,doric, and corinthian. She also told us about how the Parthenon was built with simple Doric pillars. Elena taught us about a lot of poets and types of poetry. Types of poetry were pre classical, classical, Hellenistic, and roman age. We also learned about poets like Pindar, and Homer who might not even have existed. I then presented my project on the Age of Pericles which I thought went well. We will continue presenting Tuesday.

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