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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Todays Projects

He did a good job and had good information with many details.
1. What were the two major wars. The Peloponnesian war and Trojan War.
2. Who was the great military commander that conquered Persia. Alexander the Great.
3. Name two ancient Greek weapons. Sword, spear, shield, catapult, or Ballista.

He did a good job and had good info.
1. What was the theatre where plays were performed. Theater of Dionysus.
2. Name one kind of play the Greeks had. Comedy, Drama, or Tradgedy.
3. What were the short plays in between acts that made fun of the previous play. Satyr.

She did a good job with good info. 100/100
1. What were most building made of. Limestone.
2. Who made the statue of Athena in the Partenon. Phidias.
3. Why are not many statues left over. Because they were melted down for their Limestone.

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