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Friday, April 8, 2011

Grades in class today.

Emily S
She did good and her project taught me a lot I didn't know about the trial of Socrates. It was very good but it wasn't perfect 95/100

1. Name one charge that Socrates was charged with. Answer is Impiety or Corruption of young mens minds.
2. How was Socrates put to death. Answer is he had to drink the poisonous drink Hemlock that killed him.
3. How old was he when he was put to death. Answer is he was around 70 years old. 

She did a very good job on her project and explained Greek architecture well. She had a lot of details but didn't know a few things but other than that is was very good and well done. 97/100
1. What were the three types of pillars. Answer is Doric, Corinthian, and ionic.
2. What type of pillars was the Parthenon built with. It was built with the simple Doric Pillars. 
3. At what time was there not much Architecture in Greece. Answer from the end of the Mycaenean period to the 7th century. 

Her project was good. She had a lot of information and taught me a lot about the subject. She didn't know some things so it wasn't perfect. 90/100
1. What were the stages of poetry in Greece. The answer is Pre-Classical, Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman Age.
2. Who was the first Woman poet that also sung. The answer is Sappho.
3. Who was the blind poet who was thought to maybe not even exist. The answer is Homer, the blind poet.

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