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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chi-Cago rap pictures.

This is the Mediterranean sea where Italy was. 

The Tiber river on which Rome was located. 
This is a Roman legion, a unit Rome fought with. 
This is Carthage one of Rome's main enemies in the Punic Wars. 
This is Julius Caeser one of the dictators of Rome. 
This is Julius Caeser getting killed, one of the most famous events in Roman history. 
These are the Gauls, one of Rome's major enemies before Carthage. 
This is Octavian a powerful, major leader of Rome. He later became Augustus. 
The Roman Gladiators who became part of a major sporting event in Rome. 
Circus Maximus, a place where Romans came to watch horse racing for entertainment. 
This is Cleopatra. Mark Antony, a trusted friend of Octavian, married her. 
This is Lepidus one of Octavians trusted friends. 

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