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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reviewing the Emperors of Rome in class.

     Today we did a review of all the emperors of Rome in class. We learned more about Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. We also learned about Jesus and Paul.  We learned Tiberius is a stepson and adopted son of Octavian. He was a great general but was a dark reclusive emperor. He disliked the senate and compared them to slaves. He also killed Germanicus. He later died in 37 AD. Caligula took over and was Tiberius's adopted grandson. He was crazy but started off good, granting bonuses to the military. He also called of treason trials. He was sick though and slept with other wives, indulged in himself and sex to much, and even tried to make his horse conusl. He was assassinated by His Aides. Finally Claudius was a disabled person, possibly with Cerebal Palsy. He built roads and conquered Britain and he renovated the Circus Maxius. He also had a bad marriage with Messalina and eventually killed her and her other lover. Jesus was the starter of Christianity of course and spread word of a good kingdom to the poor. He was killed though. Paul was a messanger who spread news abotu Jesus. We will continue tomorrow.

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