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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Handout Answers

Inflation- This is when the value of the dollar, coin, whatever form of money you have falls. This happens because it is made worse, less precious metals, less precious metals to back it up. Goods then need more of this one thing to be bought because of the lower value.
Commodus- Marcus Aurelius's son and the emperor many believe started the decline of the Roman Empire. He was vain, cruel, and irresponsible.
Diocletian- The leader who tried to stop the decline of the Roman Empire. He did this by economic, military, religious, and political changes. He stopped the decline somewhat but didn't bring the empire back to its former glory.
Constantine- The leader who made Christianity legal in Rome. He did this after believeing God won a battle for him. He also moved the Capital from Rome to Byzantine.
Eastern Empire- The Eastern empire was the eastern half of the divided Roman Empire. It was the richer half and was more powerful. It was also known as the Byzantine Empire.
Western Empire- The weaker and poorer of the two empires. It was weak and tooken over by the barbarians. This was also known as the Rome Empire.
Battle of the Milvian Bridge- The battle that Constantine won that proved to him God was most powerful. He won this after seeing a sign of God and painting crosses on his shields. He made being Christian legal following this.
Edict of Milan- The edict or urgent order that made Christianity legal. Put out by the leader Constantine.
Constantinople- The new Capital of the West Empire. Named after the great leader of Constantine. This city used to be Byzantine.
Germanic Peoples- the Barbarian tribes who overran Europe and eventually overran Rome. They spoke Germanic languages and were Ostrogoths, visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Burgundians, Lombards, and Vandals.
Huns- The Nomadic people from Asia. They were the scariest group, so scary that even the Germanic people feared them. They chased down Germanic people and began the fall of the West Empire.
Attila- The hun leader who was terriying. He sacked many cities, over 70 in the east, and threatened to take over the whole Empire with 100,000 men.
Leo I- The first true poweful Pope. He walked up to the Hun camp and made Attila stop the attack on Rome Somehow.
Romulus Augustus- The last leader of Rome, named to remember the beginning of Rome. He was 14 and fell quickly giving way to the barbarian rule.
Odoacer- The barbarian emperor who knocked Romulus from the throne and took over. The official end of the Roman Empire.

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