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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Presenting our project in class today.

      Today in class we began to present our projects about Rome. First Mr. Schick presented the first two paragraphs. We learned that the Latins, Etruscans and Greeks were the first people to settle in Italy. We learned that Rome settled on the Tiber river. Tarquin the proud was the last king of Rome who was run out by the people of Rome. We learned how the Roman government was made up of three parts, the consul, assembly, and senate. We learned how plebians were normal people and patricians were rich. Julius Ceaser was a great leader of Rome who got whacked by his fellow senators. Hannibal was the leader from Carthage who crossed the Alps to attack Rome from behind. The Latifundia was when the rich people bought out the poor people's farms and made them move to the city and they got poorer and the rich got richer. We also learned how there were a few Triumvirates. We will continue in class tomorrow.

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