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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Doing the worksheet in class today.

     Today in class we filled out a worksheet as a review for the packet we just did. It went over things like problems with Rome's economy, differences between the east and west empire, why the military couldn't hold off barbarians and other stuff about the empire ending. We filled that out and then we all reviewed it. We did it by answering it when we were called on. After that Mr.Schick told us what the exam scoring would be and then we will review tomorrow for a quiz.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Taking more notes on the decline of the Roman Empire in class.

     Today in class we finally finished up taking notes on the decline of the Roman Empire. We found out about the emperor Diocletian and what he attempted to fix the empire. For one he doubled the size of the army to defend the borders. He also stopped inflation by freezing prices. He ordered a general prosecution of Christians. He also divided the Empire in half. He also increased the glory of Emperor. These didn't work as expected but did stop the decline somewhat. Then came Constantine who was a big factor in the rise of Christianity. He made Christianity legal after God supposively won him a battle. Finally the Barbarians took over the empire and the west fell but the east empire, Byzanitian empire, flourished.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Taking some notes on the handout.

     Today in class we took notes on the handout Mr.Schick gave us on the decline of Rome. We underlined important ideas and subjects and then we discussed somethings. We found out how Rome fell partly because their trade collapsed because it was disrupted by thiefs. We then compared Rome's fall to America today. Some people believe that America is following the same path down Rome did. We compared their crumbling economy to how we get all our stuff overseas. We will continue on the paper tomorrow and finish up taking notes on it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reviewing the test in class today.

      Today in class we turned in our Rome Papers. We read out the titles and then moved on. Mr.Schick gave us a "pep talk" about doing better in school and how we should pay attention more and not play games. We still have time to pull off better grades in school and do better. It was very inspiring.  After that we reviewed the test on Rome and wrote down the answers. Mr. Schick finally gave us homework to do on Rome and then class was over.

Handout Answers

Inflation- This is when the value of the dollar, coin, whatever form of money you have falls. This happens because it is made worse, less precious metals, less precious metals to back it up. Goods then need more of this one thing to be bought because of the lower value.
Commodus- Marcus Aurelius's son and the emperor many believe started the decline of the Roman Empire. He was vain, cruel, and irresponsible.
Diocletian- The leader who tried to stop the decline of the Roman Empire. He did this by economic, military, religious, and political changes. He stopped the decline somewhat but didn't bring the empire back to its former glory.
Constantine- The leader who made Christianity legal in Rome. He did this after believeing God won a battle for him. He also moved the Capital from Rome to Byzantine.
Eastern Empire- The Eastern empire was the eastern half of the divided Roman Empire. It was the richer half and was more powerful. It was also known as the Byzantine Empire.
Western Empire- The weaker and poorer of the two empires. It was weak and tooken over by the barbarians. This was also known as the Rome Empire.
Battle of the Milvian Bridge- The battle that Constantine won that proved to him God was most powerful. He won this after seeing a sign of God and painting crosses on his shields. He made being Christian legal following this.
Edict of Milan- The edict or urgent order that made Christianity legal. Put out by the leader Constantine.
Constantinople- The new Capital of the West Empire. Named after the great leader of Constantine. This city used to be Byzantine.
Germanic Peoples- the Barbarian tribes who overran Europe and eventually overran Rome. They spoke Germanic languages and were Ostrogoths, visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Burgundians, Lombards, and Vandals.
Huns- The Nomadic people from Asia. They were the scariest group, so scary that even the Germanic people feared them. They chased down Germanic people and began the fall of the West Empire.
Attila- The hun leader who was terriying. He sacked many cities, over 70 in the east, and threatened to take over the whole Empire with 100,000 men.
Leo I- The first true poweful Pope. He walked up to the Hun camp and made Attila stop the attack on Rome Somehow.
Romulus Augustus- The last leader of Rome, named to remember the beginning of Rome. He was 14 and fell quickly giving way to the barbarian rule.
Odoacer- The barbarian emperor who knocked Romulus from the throne and took over. The official end of the Roman Empire.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reviewing each others essays in class today.

     For class today we had a big peer review session. Everyone looked at each others papers and made suggestions and did some constructive criticism. I looked over Mark's, Elena's, Colleen's , and Amir's papers. I made some spelling changes, grammar changes, and some other changes that deal with the idea of the paper. I had Amir look over my paper. He saw some things I needed to change. For one I need to add a title. I also need to change my heading from right to left. This paper is due tomorrow and we must have it printed out in class or we lose 20 points automatically. The paper is on the difference between the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Writing a paper today with a substitute.

     Today we began work on a paper with a substitute in class. We have to write a 500 word paper comparing The Roman Republic and Empire. I finished my rough draft in class and will revise it this weekend. My paper explains each type, some differences, and then my opinion part. We will have to turn in our rough draft tuesday for some peere review.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Taking our test on Roman Empire today and weekend assignment.

     Today we finally took our test on The Roman Empire. It was fairly easy and consisted of all multiple choice and one extra credit question. In all it had 26 questions. it covered all the Emperors, a bit of Jesus, and it also covered paul. We then were assigned our weekend homework. By Tuesday, we must write a 500 word essay on the differences between Roman Republic and Empire. On tuesday we will have peer review and just look over it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Final review for the test on the Roman Empire, and the tornado evacuation thing.

     Today we did the last review for the test on the Roman Empire. We learned a lot about the persecutions of Christians in class today. They were persecuted for just being Christians. When they were caught they were usually thrown into the colosuem to fight the lions or other animals. This was a form of entertainment for people so they continued it. Since this happened people practiced Christianity in private away from the government. They also were considered a cult because at this time Christianity was a small upstart religion. Later it got bigger, big enough to account for 10 percent of Rome. It got big later after a famous battle. We will take the test on the Roman Empire tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reviewing the Emperors of Rome in class.

     Today we did a review of all the emperors of Rome in class. We learned more about Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. We also learned about Jesus and Paul.  We learned Tiberius is a stepson and adopted son of Octavian. He was a great general but was a dark reclusive emperor. He disliked the senate and compared them to slaves. He also killed Germanicus. He later died in 37 AD. Caligula took over and was Tiberius's adopted grandson. He was crazy but started off good, granting bonuses to the military. He also called of treason trials. He was sick though and slept with other wives, indulged in himself and sex to much, and even tried to make his horse conusl. He was assassinated by His Aides. Finally Claudius was a disabled person, possibly with Cerebal Palsy. He built roads and conquered Britain and he renovated the Circus Maxius. He also had a bad marriage with Messalina and eventually killed her and her other lover. Jesus was the starter of Christianity of course and spread word of a good kingdom to the poor. He was killed though. Paul was a messanger who spread news abotu Jesus. We will continue tomorrow.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Emperors of Rome.

      In this class we learned about Roman Emperors. We learned about Tiberias who was a bad ruler. He had Coligulas two older brothers killed and killed other political rivals. He got sick of Rome and went away to a little island to hide away. He had weird things he liked, most related to sex. He was pretty much a sick person. Once his ruled ended he handed the empire over to Caligula. He was a bipolar ruler who made bad decisions and even killed a priest. He also stopped in the middle of a war to pick up seashells. He was a Jew hater and discriminated them. He even built a statue of himself in a Jewish church. Finally Claudius was a not very graceful person who many people made fun of. Eventually he became emperor. He was nice to citizens and even conquered Britain. His weak spot was his wife though and she cheated on him with other men. We will review on tuesday.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Missing class.

I missed class today due to a track meet. It was at Calvert Hall and was the championship meet.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reviewing our tests in class today.

     Today in class we reviewed two of our previous tests on both Rome and Greece. On the Roman test I got a 93 and on the Greece test I got a 77. We went over all the answers on the tests so that we could have a study tool for exams. The Greece test was multiple choice and an essay. I got a 77 on the multiple choice and a 100 percent on the essay. The Rome quiz was all multiple choice with a word bank. We still will do the Roman Empire, Medieval times, and one more thing before exams. We will start the Roman Empire tomorrow.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Testing on Rome in class today.

Today we finally took a test on Rome. It comprised of all that we had learned so far from the Latins, Etruscans, and Greeks all the way to The Second Triumvirate. It covered famous people, government, and events. People like Julius Ceaser crossing the Rubicon, The two Triumvirates, and the Roman Republic. I got one wrong on it and it was about Pompey. I mixed two answers up and got a 93. The test was fairly easy and was a vocab term and question quiz. It was on scantron. I got a 93 percent on the test or a 28/30

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Presenting our project in class today.

      Today in class we began to present our projects about Rome. First Mr. Schick presented the first two paragraphs. We learned that the Latins, Etruscans and Greeks were the first people to settle in Italy. We learned that Rome settled on the Tiber river. Tarquin the proud was the last king of Rome who was run out by the people of Rome. We learned how the Roman government was made up of three parts, the consul, assembly, and senate. We learned how plebians were normal people and patricians were rich. Julius Ceaser was a great leader of Rome who got whacked by his fellow senators. Hannibal was the leader from Carthage who crossed the Alps to attack Rome from behind. The Latifundia was when the rich people bought out the poor people's farms and made them move to the city and they got poorer and the rich got richer. We also learned how there were a few Triumvirates. We will continue in class tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Working on our Project today with a substitute.

      Today we worked on our projects about Rome. My partner for this project is Amir and we had to make a powerpoint on one of the paragraphs from his rap about Rome. We are doing ours about Mark, Octavian, and Lepidus. We found out things about the Second Triumvirate and how it began as a way to avenge Julius. We also learned about how it fell from a war between Mark and Octavian. We also found out how Mark divorced Octavian's sister for Cleopatra and how they committed suicide. We finished it up in class today and we will turn it in tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Working on our Project in class today and Quizzing.

     Today we reviewed our second quiz on Rome. We reviewed things like the parts of government which are assembly, senate, and census. These represent democracy, monarchy, and aristocracy. The whole government of Greece is really a republic. We also reviewed about Carthage and the Gauls. Then we had to start working on  a powerpoint about Rome. We had to take a paragraph of Chi-Cago's rap and make a powerpoint about the various things in it. We have to work on this today, tomorrow, and then the next night if we do not finish it. We will continue work on it tomorrow.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chi-Cago rap pictures.

This is the Mediterranean sea where Italy was. 

The Tiber river on which Rome was located. 
This is a Roman legion, a unit Rome fought with. 
This is Carthage one of Rome's main enemies in the Punic Wars. 
This is Julius Caeser one of the dictators of Rome. 
This is Julius Caeser getting killed, one of the most famous events in Roman history. 
These are the Gauls, one of Rome's major enemies before Carthage. 
This is Octavian a powerful, major leader of Rome. He later became Augustus. 
The Roman Gladiators who became part of a major sporting event in Rome. 
Circus Maximus, a place where Romans came to watch horse racing for entertainment. 
This is Cleopatra. Mark Antony, a trusted friend of Octavian, married her. 
This is Lepidus one of Octavians trusted friends.