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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Last day of class.

Today we had our final day of class. It as very sad and we didnt really do anything.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Taking the final test on the decline of Rome.

     Today we finally took the test on the Decline of Rome after several days of review. This was a special test as it was the last test of the year before exams. The test had 20 questions on it and one extra credit. They were all multiple choice and really easy since we did so much reviewing on it the past few days. After the test was done we could just walk around and talk amongst ourselves since class was technically over. Tomorrow we review for exams and are allowed to bring in food. b

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Making up questions for the test.

     Today we did our final preparations for the test on Rome's decline and fall. We did this by making up the questions for the test. We all thought of the last few questions to finish off the test. We came up with the questions and we were called on to tell them. Some of them were already on the test so we couldn't use those. We came up with questions on everything from the barbarians to why the Roman economy was messed up. We will test on this all tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Doing the worksheet in class today.

     Today in class we filled out a worksheet as a review for the packet we just did. It went over things like problems with Rome's economy, differences between the east and west empire, why the military couldn't hold off barbarians and other stuff about the empire ending. We filled that out and then we all reviewed it. We did it by answering it when we were called on. After that Mr.Schick told us what the exam scoring would be and then we will review tomorrow for a quiz.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Taking more notes on the decline of the Roman Empire in class.

     Today in class we finally finished up taking notes on the decline of the Roman Empire. We found out about the emperor Diocletian and what he attempted to fix the empire. For one he doubled the size of the army to defend the borders. He also stopped inflation by freezing prices. He ordered a general prosecution of Christians. He also divided the Empire in half. He also increased the glory of Emperor. These didn't work as expected but did stop the decline somewhat. Then came Constantine who was a big factor in the rise of Christianity. He made Christianity legal after God supposively won him a battle. Finally the Barbarians took over the empire and the west fell but the east empire, Byzanitian empire, flourished.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Taking some notes on the handout.

     Today in class we took notes on the handout Mr.Schick gave us on the decline of Rome. We underlined important ideas and subjects and then we discussed somethings. We found out how Rome fell partly because their trade collapsed because it was disrupted by thiefs. We then compared Rome's fall to America today. Some people believe that America is following the same path down Rome did. We compared their crumbling economy to how we get all our stuff overseas. We will continue on the paper tomorrow and finish up taking notes on it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reviewing the test in class today.

      Today in class we turned in our Rome Papers. We read out the titles and then moved on. Mr.Schick gave us a "pep talk" about doing better in school and how we should pay attention more and not play games. We still have time to pull off better grades in school and do better. It was very inspiring.  After that we reviewed the test on Rome and wrote down the answers. Mr. Schick finally gave us homework to do on Rome and then class was over.